Bard’s Song Ringtones

165129 ringtones matching "Bard’s Song". Here you can browse, listen and download Bard’s Song Ringtones for free. Best Bard’s Song Ringtones Download with MP3 file format for your Android mobile phone.

Now that Samhain is over, And the Sidhe have returned to their home, The dead have followed the Raven's song, And no longer among us they roam. The wisdom of our ancient past, Show us how to ride the storm, For their tombs they swallow the rising sun, And the Mabon is always reborn. (Chorus) So come all you people, come and sing with me, Join our voices, and sing the long nights away, All over the land, a chorus of voices will sing, For the rising Sun on Midwinter's Day. The land may be barren and lifeless, The ground may be frozen and hard, And the rain that fell has now turned to ice, The Winter is showing her card, But now the Sun king has rested, And his eyes have turned to the Earth, For three days the Sun has been still in the sky, But the time has now come for his birth. Some say Jesus was born today, Some say he is the Mabon, Some say that he is the Son of God, And others the Son of the Sun, Others they listen in the woodland, For the call of Herne, Others they hear the clash of swords, For the Oak King will return!
There's a tree by the well in the woods that's covered in garlands, Clooties and ribbons that drift in the cool morning air, That's where I met an old woman who came from a far land, Holding a flame o'er the well, and singing a prayer. Goddess of fire, Goddess of healing, Goddess of Spring, welcome again. She told me she'd been a prisoner trapped in a mountain, Taken by the Queen of Winter at Summer's End, But in her prison she heard a spell the people were chanting, Three days of Summer, and snowdrops are flowering again. She spoke of the Cell of the Oak where a fire is still burning, Nineteen Priestesses tend the eternal flame, Oh but of you, my Lady, we are still learning, Brighid, Brigantia, the Goddess of Many Names. (Bridge) Then I caught her reflection in the mirrored well, And looked deep into her face, The old woman gone, a maiden now knelt in her place. From my pocket I pulled a ribbon, And in honour of her maidenhood, I tied it there to the tree by the well in the wood. Goddess of fire, Goddess of healing, Goddess of Spring, welcome again.
The day is done I turn my gaze towards the setting sun, I taste the incense on the air, I hear the sound of drums, The chill of the evening descends. All day long I've been working hard for the man, But now's the time to ditch this skin and be who I am, Some people just don't understand, You can keep your Devil I'll dance with Pan! For I will fly free, On the wings of ecstasy, And I will dance free, To the music of Faerie. Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh and Samhain, Equinox and Solstice, On hilltops in forests tonight, To the Sabbat I will ride. I will dance with the Fearie Queen beneath the silver moon, I will taste the honey mead and chant the Witch's Rune, My heart with the pulse of the land. Witness now the union of chalice and of blade, Of life and death and life again the union is made, By power of land and of sea, By power of will, so mote it be! The night is done the sun will rise on a brand new day, And I along with millions go out to earn our pay, People see just what they want to see. But I have danced with the Faerie Queen, shared the mead of the sun. I have worn the Oaken Crown before the Horned One, And I'll know it's time to return, When I see those Pagan fires burn!


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